To build a strong path. You must first remove the old stone. ( Ryan Jonson )

Understanding The Purification Process (The Pure Pro)

The Purification Process is a natural process that starts at your spirit Level. This process of purification is a sign from your spirit that it has taking the opportunity and responsibility to awaken and ascend to higher levels.
Your Spirit does this by first going through a clearing process of removing all of the distorted patterns that you have accumulated through your lifetime, past lifetimes and from family lineage etc that no longer serve you.

It is important to note that the distorted patterns you have accumulated at your spirit level are not your fault. It is however your beautiful responsibility to go through the clearing process of your spirit.

This is part of the purification process that is often overlooked, but vitally important to achieve long lasting, permanent results, enabeling your spirit self to redesign into success and abundance.

Experiencing The Purification Process (The Pure Pro)

The Purification Experience can be different for everyone. For some, the process can be quick and easy. For many, initially things may get worse before they get better, as any distorted patterns which reside at your spirit level begin to surface for release, enabling your spirit / higher self to rebuild into a more abundant state of being.

Approximately 50% of people will experience some form of the purification process, these symptoms can possibly vary as the past patterns that no longer serve you start to lift from your spirit for clearing.

Possible experiences as the patterns start to lift from your spirit could range from feeling grief with various relationships in your life as they start to change, a possible release in existing illness as they start to surface, and a financial purification in the form of loss of money or investments.

It is important to note that as you release the layers of distorted patterns, and the old beliefs fall away, you may experience times of confusion, loss, sickness, despair, etc.

It is important to remember that these symptoms are temporary and will pass to reveal a stronger level of clarity and purification.

The level of intensity you experience going through the process may vary from very mild and hardly noticeable to intense, this is dependent on the level of distortions that have accumulated at your spirit level through time, this life, past lives and from your family lineage, etc, as well as how much you hold onto old patterns.

Ryan is not a doctor and so any physical and mental issues that you consider troublesome do need to be taken up with your doctor, if you consider it appropriate.

Helping The Purification Process (The Pure Pro)

Possible ways to help ease the purification process range from giving yourself more time and space alone, to enjoying extra time to relax, and rest. Enjoy more time in natures natural healing energies. Become more centered in your body, focus on your spine as you go through your daily experience, and bring your attention to the details of your physical form.

Nurture your body, by eating nutritious foods and hydrate well with drinking pure water. Try to avoid unhealthy or stressful situations with people, avoid the use of alcohol and drugs. Let go of resistance, trying to control things and allow your awakening spirit to guide you through the process.

Your spirit will always choose the most efficient and quickest path to get you from where you are to acheiving your goals. Try to see the purification process as an opportunity for personal growth and expansion, a new journey and adventure, rather than a distorting experience.

The Purification Personal Responsibilities (The Pure Pro)

Personal responsibility and accountability means taking full ownership of your own purification process.

The frequencies / energy, patterns etc that you experience as they leave you came from within your spirit. Again this does not make it your fault. You likely received them from your family lineage or life experiences, and your spirit created a defence mechanism to help you protect yourself at one time or another.

As you experience old memories, beliefs, fears etc lifting from your spirit, the old emotional accociated attachments can be re-experienced. Once you are aware of the distortions, it is your responsibility to let them go.

Confirm the removal, say no to any distorting experiences as they present themselves. This is the opportunity to confirm and finalise the removal of the old distortions, and walk away from your old life. Creating fertile ground to plant your new life free of distortion.

It is important to note that it is your personal responsibility to monitor how you are feeling, while you are going through your purification process. If you start to experience overwhelming emotions or mental instability, listen to your own internal guidance.

If you feel that you need to pause your participation for a while. That is perfectly normal as there may be time needed to integrate the changes you are experiencing at a rate that is more comfortable.

Ultimately this is a resposibility you must decide. We are all individuals by design, that includes are own process.

Ryan is not a doctor or medical professional. Please contact or see your doctor or mental health specialist to assist you.

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